Are Dachshunds Good Family Dogs?

Are dachshunds good family dogs? The answer is short and sweet…dachshunds can be great family dogs! They show love and loyalty to their owners and can also bring plenty of fun and adventure to the lives of all family members.


Are dachshunds good family dogs, learn about the dachshund breed (10)


So if you are looking for a family friendly dog that is loyal, loving and full of personality, then look no more! In this article, we will explain all of the reasons why dachshunds make excellent family pets. We will discuss the breed’s personality traits, their behaviour around your family members, how to train them and more. So that you can make an informed decision whether a doxie is a good fit for you and your family.


Are Dachshunds Good Family Dogs – Table Of Content:


1.Dachshund personality traits

  • Do dachshunds have a good personality?
  • Are dachshunds only loyal to one person?
  • Do dachshunds bark a lot?
  • Do dachshunds get aggressive?

2.Dachshund behaviour around your family members

  • Are dachshunds safe around children?
  • Are dachshunds good with babies?
  • Are Dachshunds protective of kids?
  • Are Dachshunds good with older people?

3.Dachshund maintenance needs

  • Are dachshunds high maintenance?
  • Are dachshunds difficult to train?
  • Do dachshunds have any health problems?


Are Dachshunds Good Family Dogs – Dachshund Personality Traits


Do dachshunds have a good personality?

The answer is a resounding yes! Dachshunds are highly intelligent and generally have an even-tempered and cheerful disposition. They are loyal and affectionate, with a strong desire for close companionship. Dachshunds make exceptional companions because they are incredibly loving and always up for a good cuddle session.

They are generally very good with children, and can form strong bonds with their families. Although they tend to be a bit mischievous and stubborn, their good-natured personality makes them an easy pup to love.


Are dachshunds good family dogs, learn about the dachshund breed (4)


Are dachshunds only loyal to one person?

Yes and no…dachshunds can form strong bonds with anyone in their family, though they may become especially devoted to one person. They are known for their loyalty to the entire family group and will typically show loyalty and affection to everyone in the family.

However, dachshunds often demonstrate extra devotion to their “primary person” who is usually the one providing them with the most attention and care. It is not uncommon for dachshunds to choose a favourite person, giving them special treatment and following them around the house.


Do dachshunds bark a lot?

Dachshunds are known for their signature bark. To control their barking, positive reinforcement and proper socialisation are essential. If your Dachshund tends to be particularly vocal, then taking time to train him/her regularly can help him/her understand the appropriate times and situations in which to bark. Additionally, if there is no actual cause for alarm, then it is best to ignore the barking so that your pup learns that they simply can’t get a reaction out of you.


Do dachshunds get aggressive?

The answer to this question is, it depends. Some dachshunds may become aggressive due to environmental factors, such as lack of socialisation or previous experiences, but this does not mean that all dachshunds are aggressive. With the right training, socialisation and understanding of their needs – like exercise and mental stimulation – dachshunds can be friendly and affectionate companions.

It is key to remember that all dogs require attention, care and proper training to ensure they remain happy and well-adjusted.


Are dachshunds good family dogs, learn about the dachshund breed (6)


Are Dachshunds Good Family Dogs – Dachshund Behaviour Around Your Family Members


Are dachshunds safe around children?

Yes, dachshunds can make wonderful family pets, especially for households with children, due to their friendly and loving personality.

But, it is important to remember that every dog is an individual and temperament can vary within the breed. Like all dog breeds, dachshunds need to be socialised to their environment early on. This means they should be exposed to children while they are still puppies and be trained to obey basic commands.


Are dachshunds good family dogs, learn about the dachshund breed (5)


Never leave young children unattended and supervise their interactions with your doxie to ensure both are behaving appropriately.

Training your dachshund to behave well around children is just as important as teaching your children to handle your dog with respect and kindness. Explain to your children why it is important not to tease, pull, or otherwise mistreat your sausage dog.

Below is a list of rules your children should follow when playing with your sausage dog:

– don’t pull their fur, legs, ears or tail

– don’t poke their eyes and stick your fingers inside their ears or mouth

– don’t squeeze them or hug them too tight

– don’t tug them too much as this could be dangerous for their backs

– don’t interrupt them when sleeping

– don’t interrupt them when eating

– don’t interrupt them when they seem stressed out, anxious or barking

– pick them up carefully…teach your children how to pick up your doxie to provide support for their back

– watch out for your toys – dachshund puppies will chew anything and everything when teething or even when adults so it is important to explain to your children to keep their favourite or dangerous toys out of your doxie’s reach


Are dachshunds good with babies?

Yes, dachshunds can be incredibly gentle, loyal, and loving companions for babies. They are also known to be quite vigilant, making them great watchdogs to protect babies at home.

Of course, as mentioned before, every dog is different and each individual owner should evaluate their pup’s personality and temperament before letting them interact with their baby. You will find that introducing a dachshund to your little one’s life can be a great experience for the whole family.


Are dachshunds good family dogs, learn about the dachshund breed (9)


Are dachshunds protective of kids?

The answer is yes. Dachshunds are loyal and protective of their beloved family members, including children. They are known for their strong bond with their owners, so if a situation arises where your children are being threatened, a dachshund will be there to offer comfort and protection.

They are likely to take it upon themselves to bark and alert their owners to a possible threat. Dachshunds are intelligent and intuitive and they become deeply attached to the people in their family pack. Therefore, when it comes to protecting children, dachshunds are an excellent choice.


Are dachshunds good with older people?

Dachshunds make wonderful companions for older people because of their gentle temperament, smaller size, and relatively low maintenance. They are loyal, loving lapdogs that will happily curl up on a couch or bed with their owner for hours.

Dachshunds also give older people an activity to bond over, as they are often happy to accompany their owners for a stroll around the block or join in a game of fetch. Dachshunds are the perfect partner for them and can bring a lot of joy and companionship.


Are dachshunds good family dogs, learn about the dachshund breed (2)


Are Dachshunds Good Family Dogs – Dachshund Maintenance Needs


Are dachshunds high maintenance?

Dachshunds are very energetic and playful dogs that will need lots of physical and mental exercise. Miniature sausage dogs will require at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, while standard sausage dogs need at least 60 minutes of exercise daily. This will of course differ based on the age of your doxie so make sure to do your research because you don’t want to under or over exercise your pup. Mental stimulation play is essential for dachshunds to keep them happy, relaxed and out of trouble.

It is important that you always ensure your dachshund has the right diet and nutrition by providing it with high-quality food and treats as they can easily overeat and struggle with obesity.

Sausage dogs are low maintenance when it comes to grooming especially with short haired doxies. However, they require regular brushing to keep their coats shiny and healthy, as well as the occasional nail trim and ear cleaning. Try not to bath them too often (once a month will do) because this can remove the natural oils in their coats and cause skin issues.


Are dachshunds good family dogs, learn about the dachshund breed


Are dachshunds difficult to train?

When it comes to training dachshunds, it is important to remember that consistency and patience is key. Although dachshunds are an intelligent breed they are known for being stubborn which can make training them challenging.

One of the best ways to train a dachshund is to start early and provide plenty of positive reinforcement. You should begin training as soon as your puppy moves into your home. As you start the process, it’s important to use gentle, consistent methods, such as voice commands and treats. It’s also important to establish clear boundaries and enforce rules in order to establish a sense of structure and discipline.

Socialisation is another important part of training a dachshund. Introducing them to different people, places, and animals right away will help build trust and make them more confident later on.

With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can effectively train a dachshund and ensure they grow up to be a well-behaved, happy pup.


Do dachshunds have any health problems?

Dachshunds are for the most part a hardy breed of dog, though they can suffer from certain genetic issues. Of particular concern is their long, slender spine which is vulnerable to intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). This can cause back pain and paralysis so it’s important to look out for signs of distress, such as a sudden limping, refusal to jump or walk, sensitivity to touch on their backs.


Are dachshunds good family dogs, learn about the dachshund breed (7)


About 20 to 25% of dachshunds will develop this injury and it can be worsened by obesity, jumping, using the stairs, rough handling or intense exercise, which place greater strain on their backs. It is highly recommended to use stair gates and ramps in your home to avoid placing unnecessary strain on your doxie’s back.

Other common issues may include joint and eye problems, obesity, seizures and skin conditions (mainly in dilutes). It is therefore important to keep an eye out for any signs that may require a trip to the vet. Regular vet check-ups are also key to ensuring your doxie remains in top condition.


Are Dachshunds Good Family Dogs – Conclusion


Dachshunds are excellent family dogs. Not only are they loyal and loving companions who offer unconditional love to their owners, but they are also intelligent, patient, and relatively low maintenance. Whether you are looking for a devoted cuddle buddy or a fun playmate for your children, a dachshund is the perfect fit for you and your family.


Are Dachshunds Good Family Dogs – Let Us Know What You Think!


Now you have read our article, do you think that a dachshund is the right dog for you and your family? Please let us know in the comments below.


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