Best Ways To Dachshund Proof Your Home

Dachshunds are playful and energetic pets, that can be up to lots of mischief around the house if you are not careful. In this article, we will explore the best ways to dachshund proof your home before your new puppy moves in.


Best Ways to Dachshund Proof Your Home before your new puppy moves in (2)


You will learn some practical tips on how to puppy proof your home and garden to keep your dachshund puppy and your personal belongings safe. With some extra precautions, your home can be a secure and comfortable environment for both you and your pet to enjoy.

Don’t forget to download our printable checklist of best ways to dachshund proof your home. You can find it at the bottom of this article.


Best Ways To Dachshund Proof Your Home – Table Of Content:


  1. Preventing dachshund health issues
  2. How to puppy proof your home
  • Put away any chewable items
  • Store away any chemicals and toxic items
  • Set up a secure play area for your puppy
  1. How to make your garden safe
  2. Follow strict rules with your family
  • Supervise your children
  • Keep food out of reach


Preventing Dachshund Health Issues


Before we dive into the best ways how to dachshund proof your home, it is important to discuss the potential health risks associated with your doxie jumping onto and off your furniture as well as them walking up and down the stairs.

Dachshunds’ long, slender spine is vulnerable to intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), which can cause back pain and paralysis. Too much climbing and jumping can put lots of strain on their back which is why purchasing dog ramps and stair gates is a must when dachshund proofing your home.

There are many types of dog ramps to choose from and you should be using them to help your sausage dogs get onto your furniture such as beds, sofas or into cars when travelling.


10 Need to Know Facts About Dachshunds, All About Dachshund Dog Breed (6)


Stair gates not only help to stop your dachshund from using the stairs but they are also helpful at limiting the space available to your pup. This way you can keep an eye on them making sure they don’t get into any trouble when out of your sight.

To learn more about IVDD and other dachshund health issues, read our article on Do Dachshunds Have Any Health Problems?


How To Puppy Proof Your Home


Puppy proofing your home is in many ways just like preparing your home for the arrival of a new-born baby. Except your puppy will move around a lot more as soon as it arrives and so you will need to keep an eye on him/her constantly.

Taking the below steps will help you create a safe environment for your pup to play and explore your home securely.


Best Ways to Dachshund Proof Your Home before your new puppy moves in (8)


Put away any chewable items

This seems like an obvious measure but you would be surprised how easy it is for your dachshund puppy to get hold of something you didn’t even know was there. Dachshunds love to chew especially during their teething stage that starts around the age of 12-14 weeks.

Get down to your puppy’s level and look for any times your puppy would love to sink their teeth into. This includes:

– your shoes or slippers

– your clothing

– jewellery

– hair brushes and hair accessories

– towels

– cushions or other soft furnishings

– any electrical cables or wires

– handbags/rucksacks

– wallets and purses

– books or magazines

– any small battery operated items such as TV remotes, game controllers or computer mice

– candles or other decorative objects

– toys belonging to your children

– cat litter

– your puppy’s or other pets’ food and treats

– cleaning items such as a mop, hoover etc.

– bins – consider replacing your bins with those that have a secure lid

– anything that has sharp edges that could scratch or injure your doxie

– any craft equipment such as yarn, needles etc.

– pens or any art supplies such as brushes or pencils etc.

– sports equipment

– toilet brush

– toilet paper


Store away any chemicals and toxic items

Check your home for any potentially hazardous items or chemicals and store them away in a secure cupboard or on a top shelf. It goes without saying that most of the chemicals or cleaners we use to keep our homes clean are toxic to our loving pets.

– cleaning products

– dishwasher tablets and salts

– laundry detergents and capsules

– paints, varnishes and glues

– air fresheners including the plug in air fresheners

– pest and ant poison

– toxic plants


Best Ways to Dachshund Proof Your Home before your new puppy moves in (3)


Set up a secure play area for your puppy

As hard as you try, it’s very likely you will not be able to remove all temptation away from your puppy. Or you may be too busy to keep a constant eye on him/her. Setting up a safe play area for your dachshund is a great way to limit their movement around your house and to keep them and your home safe from any harm.

Playpens are the best option, however if you don’t have enough space for a large playpen, you can also use your puppy’s crate. Avoid giving your puppy any dangerous toys or chews while they are out of your sight due to a choking hazard.

When you are ready to let your puppy out of their playpen or crate, give your rooms and floors a quick check to ensure it is safe for your puppy to explore the house.


How To Make Your Garden Safe


Your garden is a great place for your dachshund to exercise and play so what steps do you need to take to make the outdoor area safe for your doxie?

– remove any chemicals such as pesticides, weed killers, slug pellets or pest poison

– remove any sharp objects including garden or DIY tools

– consider removing any toxic plants and flowers – flowers that grow from a bulb such as daffodils are especially toxic to dogs

– check your fence for any holes or gaps that could provide a route for a puppy to get outside or get stuck – remember that dachshunds like to dig and are more than capable of digging up a hole under your fence

– if you have a fish pond, cover it with a rigid mesh so your puppy can’t fall in

– dachshunds are not great swimmers if not trained to swim, which is why it’s very wise to fence off your swimming pool if you have one. If your dachshund is a good swimmer, make sure to provide them with an easy exit out of the pool.

– don’t forget to scan your outdoor area for any dangerous objects before letting your sausage dog out


Best Ways to Dachshund Proof Your Home before your new puppy moves in (5)


Follow Strict Rules With Your Family


Supervise your children

Making sure that all family members including your children follow some safety rules is another way how to protect your dachshund from unnecessary harm. Discuss these rules before your puppy arrives and be vigilant and consistent.

Never leave young children unattended and supervise their interactions with your doxie to ensure both are behaving appropriately. Training your dachshund to behave well around children is just as important as teaching your children to handle your dog with respect and kindness. Explain to them why it’s important not to tease, pull, or otherwise mistreat your pup.

Don’t forget to teach your children to watch out for their toys. Dachshund puppies will chew anything and everything when teething or even when adults so it is important to explain to your children to keep their favourite or dangerous toys out of your puppy’s reach.

Finally, show your children how to pick up your sausage to provide support for their back to minimise the risk of developing IVDD.


Keep all food out of reach

All your family members should be aware to keep all human food out of reach and never to feed your dog anything apart from their own dog food. Dachshunds are very greedy and will try to eat anything that looks just remotely edible. Don’t forget that doxies are prone to obesity so it is important to watch their diet.

Another super important reason why to keep human food away is the danger of poisoning your dog. Some human food is very toxic to your puppy and everyone in your family should be aware of this. Do your research and make a list of food that is toxic to dogs. A great way for your children to remember these is to help create a poster to stick on your fridge.


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Best Ways To Dachshund Proof Your home – Conclusion


Living with a dachshund can be a truly rewarding experience, but it also requires preventive measures to keep your pup safe and your home intact. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a safe environment for your pet and your belongings.


Best Ways To Dachshund Proof Your home – Free Printable


Download our helpful checklist here to have it at hand when dachshund proofing your home.



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