First Week With Your New Dachshund Puppy – Complete Guide

Bringing a dachshund puppy into your home is a big commitment but also an incredibly rewarding experience. As you embark on this journey, it’s important to know how to navigate your way through the first week with your new pup. Our complete guide to the first week with your new dachshund puppy will give you all the essential information you need for a smooth transition for you and your doxie pup.


Complete guide to the first week with your new dachshund puppy (2)


Don’t forget to download our printable checklist of the milestones you and your puppy should achieve by the end of the first week. You can find it at the bottom of this article.


First Week With Your New Dachshund Puppy – Table Of Content:


  1. Picking up your dachshund puppy from the breeder
  2. First day with your new dachshund puppy
  3. First puppy health check at your vet’s
  4. Selecting a pet insurance plan
  5. Bonding with your new puppy
  6. Establishing a daily routine
  7. Socialising your new dachshund puppy
  8. Starting to train your new dachshund puppy
  9. How to go about grooming your new puppy
  10. Your milestones for the first week


Picking Up Your Dachshund Puppy From The Breeder


Your dachshund puppy adventure will start on the day when you collect your puppy from the breeder. Before you leave for the breeder’s, make sure you have all the necessary items you need for your puppy’s journey. These include a dog car seat or a crate, a blanket, wee pads, toys, a water bottle, some treats and a lead with harness.

Next, be sure to write down all the questions you would like to ask the breeder before you leave with the puppy. If you are getting your puppy from a responsible breeder, you will probably know the answer to some of your questions already as they will keep you updated regularly. They will also provide you with all the necessary paperwork and information, such as Kennel registration documents, health records and puppy care instructions.

Last but not least, try taking your puppy for a potty break before you set off on your way or ask your breeder when they went last. This is especially helpful if you have a long journey ahead and would like to plan potty breaks on the way. After that, it’s time to buckle up and head home with your adorable new puppy!

Related articles: What should I buy before my dachshund puppy arrives?


First Day With Your New Dachshund Puppy


You have finally arrived home! To ensure that your first day together is a success, there are a few steps you can take to introduce your new puppy to their new home. Start by familiarising your pup with the house, allowing them to explore and get comfortable with their new surroundings.

Do not force them into playing or cuddling with you but instead follow their lead. They may be nervous and scared at first so you need to give them time to warm up towards you and start bonding with you and your family.

Remember not to overwhelm your puppy by too much excitement, noise or too many changes at once. Give your puppy a chance to adjust to all the new things happening around them. You can find out more in our article on How To Help Your Dachshund Puppy Settle In.

Lastly, give them plenty of positive reinforcement with lots of affection, treats and toys to let them know that you are their friend and that they are safe in their new environment.


Complete guide to the first week with your new dachshund puppy (4)


First Puppy Health Check At Your Vet’s


Getting a puppy health check is one of the few things you should do during your puppy’s first week at home. We would recommend taking your pup to the vet for an initial health check within 48 hours of bringing your pup home. Don’t forget to register your puppy with the vet and book the appointment before you collect the puppy from the breeder.

During the health check, the vet will make sure that your puppy is healthy and that any problems that may be present are identified and addressed. The vet can also provide essential information about preventative care such as vaccinations and parasite control, as well as discuss diet and nutrition.


Selecting A Pet Insurance Plan


If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to choose the right pet insurance for your dachshund puppy. Keep in mind that dachshunds can suffer from some genetic disorders such as IVDD so you need to select a pet insurance plan that will cover any potential issues associated with this breed.

What to look for when selecting a pet insurance for your puppy:

– lifetime cover

– cover value of at least £12,000 in UK or $15,000 in US

– free vet video calls available 24/7

– scans and MRI cover

– dental treatments cover

Although your vet may not be able to recommend the best pet insurance for your puppy, they will be able to tell you which pet insurance providers they work with directly and may be able to offer you a discount at the time of your puppy’s first health check.

Related article: Do Dachshunds Have any Health Problems?


Bonding With Your New Puppy


Just like with a new born baby, it’s important to bond with your puppy so it can feel loved, relaxed and secure. This will help your puppy grow into a happy and confident adult dog. This may sound obvious but each member of the family should spend some quality time playing and cuddling with your puppy every day.


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Establishing A Daily Routine


Starting with a daily routine from the first day your puppy arrives plays an important role in helping your puppy settle in. It will help your puppy feel more confident and secure if they know when to expect certain activities during the day.

Establish a routine for getting up in the morning, mealtimes, playtimes, nap times, outings, potty times and bedtime. Although it is best to stay consistent with your breeder’s routine to start with, you may need to tweak the routine here and there to find what works best for you and your puppy.


Socialising Your New Dachshund Puppy


Socialising your puppy from the first week is an essential part of their learning process. Puppies need to learn about the world around them and should be exposed to different environments, situations, people and other dogs or animals. The more socialising or exposure you introduce into your puppy’s routine the more adjusted and confident they will become.

Although your puppy will not be able to socialise with other dogs until they are fully vaccinated, you can still take them out in a sling to cafes, supermarkets, parks or on school runs.


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Starting To Train Your New Dachshund Puppy


Training a dachshund puppy can be a daunting but rewarding experience. It is important to understand that you should start training your puppy the day they arrive in their new home.

Don’t expect your puppy to learn all the new tricks on their first day but start introducing them to potty and crate training straight away. Use positive reinforcement such as giving treats for desired behaviours and lots of praise. Consistency, repetition and patience are key to make the training process a success.

You can then follow up by training your puppy some basic commands and name association to build a foundation for recall training. Your puppy should also start learning how to use their dog ramp so don’t be tempted to pick them up when they want to get onto the sofa or your bed. Show them how to use the ramp instead.

Keep training sessions shorts (max of 5 minutes at a time) and avoid training your puppy when they are tired or distracted. The best times to train them is during their mealtimes as you can feed them their meals as a reward.


Complete guide to the first week with your new dachshund puppy


How To Go About Grooming Your New Puppy


Your new puppy won’t probably need any grooming during the first week but it is a good idea to let them get familiar with the grooming tools you will be using. Start by showing them to your puppy first so they can have a good sniff and then gently touch your puppy with them on their paws or coat. It’s important to reward your puppy for calm behaviour so they can develop a positive association with the grooming tools before you even start using them.


Your Milestones For The First Week


At the end of the first week with your new puppy, you should aim to have accomplished some basic milestones.

By this point your puppy should have

…stopped having regular accidents indoors

…shown understanding of their potty schedule

…been more comfortable spending time inside the crate during the day time, even when you are in a different room

…learned the value of being rewarded

…started learning their name

…learned how to use their dog ramp

…learned some basic commands


But it doesn’t stop there. If you dedicate enough of your time and attention to your puppy, you should have achieved some important milestones yourself.

By this point you should have learned

…to recognise your puppy’s signals when they need a potty

…if your puppy is food or toy motivated

…what your puppy’s favourite treat is

…what your puppy’s favourite toy is

…how long their attention span is

…how confident they are

…what helps them calm down at bedtime


picture of a dog


First Week With Your New Dachshund Puppy – Free Printable


Download our helpful checklist here to tick off your and your puppy’s milestones achieved at the end of the first week in their new home!



First Week With Your New Dachshund PuppyConclusion


Having a new puppy in your home can be hugely rewarding but it also means being prepared for what the first week with your dachshund puppy may bring. Hopefully, this article has provided you with the answers to many of your questions and a general idea of what to expect. So take the time to enjoy these precious moments and remember that your pup’s journey has only just begun!


First Week With Your New Dachshund Puppy – Let Us Know What You Think!


If you’re a new dachshund puppy parent, leave us a comment to let us know how your first week is going. We would love to hear your stories and success tips!


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